Binary file ./ matches Analysis of Mexican organic tomato prices for export in the period 2001-2015 - RIIIT

ISSN: 2007-9753
Latindex Folio: 23614

Estas en: Principal > RIIIT DIVULGACIÓN > Desarrollos Técnicos > Detalle del producto

Analysis of Mexican organic tomato prices for export in the period 2001-2015

Tipo: Nota Técnica
Autor: Borbón-Morales, C.G., Arvizu-Armenta, M., Holguín-Peña, R.J., Rueda-Puente, E.O.
Fecha: 2021-03-01
Descripción: Due to price is a determining variable in the performance of exporting companies. This research analyzes the behavior of organic tomato prices from Mexico in the markets of the United States. The objective of this work is to describe the behavior of four representative varieties of Mexican organic tomato to offer a vision of the incursion of these products in the US markets. Data was obtained from the United States Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service. The method refers to the analysis of the time series of prices, through a spectral technique to detect the trend of the series and describe its behavior using the Excel XLSTAT software. The results showed a difference, both in the origin of the products and in the status of organic, during the evaluation period 2001 to 2015. This period allows to justify and support the results, which reveals a clear trend of fluctuations in the monthly and annual prices of the products, with atypical values at the beginning of the analysis of the series, explained by external market conditions. Its main limitation is that it must have a large number of observations; it is a model without theory and can only be applied to stationary series. Keywords: organic tomato, price analysis, time series.
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