Sensory perception of pulque using free sorting method

Pulque is one of the most traditional non-distilled alcoholic fermented beverages in Mexico. Free-sorting is a similarity-based method that rely on an analytic perception of products and in the translation of sensations into words. In addition, it allows to quickly obtain an overall measure of the perceived similarities and differences in a product set. Sensory perception of pulque using free-sorting task was studied in two groups of judges: consumers and pulque producers to determine differences due to region of origin. Twelve samples from two producing pulque regions in Hidalgo State, Mexico (Altiplano and Valle del Mezquital) were evaluated for all the judges. The test was performed in a single session, all samples were presented simultaneously and randomly displayed on a table. The data were analyzed with Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) and Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) tests. Two MDS dimensions configurations were determined (Kruskal´s stress value= 0.229 and 0.261). Eighty two percent of the judges were men. The group of consumers was younger (26 and 48 years old) than the group of producers (34-68 years old). Producers have consumed pulque since childhood. A trend to classify pulque according to its region of origin was observed. The sensory map obtained proportionated an adequate discrimination of samples, separating the pulque from Valle del Mezquital region of Altiplano region. In general, consumers mentioned more terms (68 in total) compared to the group of producers (55 in total). In the same way, consumers also used a larger number of descriptors than the producers (13 and 9, respectively). The main differences perceived were in flavor and texture. Unlike consumers, producers used terms related to quality parameters and associated with fermentation. In general, the pulque from Valle del Mezquital region presented a strong flavor and lower viscous, while the pulque from the Altiplano region presented a diluted flavor and a strong smell. This experiment contributed to the sensory characterization of pulque from two different producing regions showing differences between them. In this particular case, being familiar or not with pulque have a significant effect on its perception. In general, there are very few studies on pulque and currently, there are no publications on sensory characterization. For this reason, future research is encouraged on this topic, as well as on the acceptance of this beverage through hedonic tests involving a large number of habitual consumers.
Key words: consumers, fermented beverage, pulque, sensory properties, sorting method.